Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Fang 2013 Warsaw edition

Hot stuff incomming! Only 2 hours after declaring the winners, I bring you a photo coverage of the Warsaw 2013 The Fang painting competition.

Before I get to the pictures, I have a few brief comments, that I'd like to share with you guys:

1) Because you have to bring models to the store, I consider this to be quite a local competition as I don't believe there were that many (if any) models from painters outside of Warsaw. Therefore, it is not fully representative of the incredible painting scene that we have in our country.

2) There were a lot of very nice entries but, I don't think I've seen any that would make me scream HOLY SHIT!

3) This being an official GW competition, it makes me sad, that there were no prizes besides diplomas. I mean, come on, this thing is once a year and for the ammount of work and dedication it takes to create exhibition worthy models, there should be some added bonus.

4) It was super wierd that there were so many people missing from the award "ceremony". Seriously, at least 5-7 guys did not show up :O

5) I don't have the list of winners. I guess you can check that out on Warsaw GW facebook or something (if they post it). I only took pictures but because of that, you can judge for yourself and then compare with the official scores :)

6) This was the first live painting competition, that I took part in, so I'm super excited to have gotten 3rd place in two categories, out of the three that I've entered :) Not bad efficiency :)

I tried my best to make the following pictures as close to reality as possible, but flash was required and it does make things look meh :(




  1. Gratulacje i dzięki za zdjęcia :)

  2. Dzięki! Odezwała się we mnie dusza dziennikarza :D

  3. Jak będą nagrody (choćby tylko za pierwsze miejsca) to będzie więcej prac, a i poziom pewnie wyższy. Sam bym chętnie wziął udział, ale wywalać 250 zł na pociąg (z Gliwic do Warszawy x2 - jednego dnia dostarczyć model osobiście i wrócić, innego dnia go odebrać i znowu wrócić) i tracić w sumie 20 godzin na dojazdy/powroty... nie warto dla dyplomiku.

  4. Można też przyjechać raz, na finał :) Ale zgodzę się, że jakiekolwiek nagrody zapewne wygenerowałyby większe zainteresowanie...
